Terrific stuff, Ceri. Thank you so much for sharing.

So important to note that their motivation doesn't matter, it's the effect of what they do that we should be concerned by. And Drag Queen Story Hour is exactly the same thing - doesn't matter if any specific Drag Queen has bad intent or not. It's the blurring of boundaries and normalisation of the behaviours that is the problem.

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Mar 2, 2023Liked by Ceri Black

There's a strange kind of prudishness among trans activists that I think can only be understood in this light. They are (or act) *disgusted* by references to genitals or sex but at the same time boast wildly about their own (fictional) non-conventional sex practices. They simultaneously accuse us of being prudes because we have such boring things as sexual orientations yet deviant because our preferences might involve genitalia and sometimes we mention them. Just yesterday someone on a thread used a gif of an obviously female, obviously naked (and obviously not real) silhouette to illustrate a hypothetical question. The TAs went hog wild decrying it as filth and abuse.

It's all about erasing boundaries because that's what's required to support an incoherent ideology. We have to be extravagantly sexual with everyone, open to sex with everyone, but must never mention the sex part. Because that reminds us that there are, after all, boundaries.

Besides, *we all know* that they are totally TERFs in the sheets.

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Mar 2, 2023Liked by Ceri Black

Thank you Ceri for this excellent piece. I'm upgrading to a paid subscriber.

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This is such a strong, clear and undeniably true expose of one of the dangers at the heart of the transactivist experiment.

I hope not only Paisley reads your blog (which I'm sure he will), but also Penny, Bragg, Sally White and all the other most vocal champions of this dangerously flawed push to upend laws upholding child safeguarding and women's rights.

Well done, Ceri, I'm so impressed by your strength, clear headed objections to transactivism as it is currently practiced and honesty.

You are one of the reasons I miss being on Twitter.

Thank you.

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